Presentation of Papers
Contributions to EPE’22 ECCE Europe must be presented either as a lecture presentation or as a dialogue presentation. A manuscript must be submitted in English in both cases for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings (electronic version only). The number of papers presented in lecture sessions is limited by the amount of available time slots. They are selected on the basis of wide audience appeal and suitability for lecture presentation. Papers presented in dialogue sessions are selected for their suitability to provoke in-depth discussions between authors and other conference participants.
Dialogue and lecture sessions will be organised in separate time slots, both during mornings and afternoons.
Working Language
The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.
Content of Provisional Full Papers
The provisional full papers should consist of a six to eight page anonymous manuscript, including an abstract with no more than 50 words, topic number and indication of the preference for dialogue or lecture presentation (to be clearly mentioned), diagrams and a list of references.
The provisional full papers will be submitted using the host of the conference on the Internet. A link to the site is available at, as well as from (Click HERE). Detailed information and guidelines can be downloaded from the conference website to help you prepare the needed material for submitting a provisional full paper. (Click HERE). The site is open for upload.
Authors of papers provisionally selected for presentation will receive a notification and can download the instructions for preparing the final full papers from the website. Final selection will be based on the final full paper. The paper will only be included in the Conference Proceedings after receipt of one full registration fee per paper in due terms. Student registration fee is only valid for student participants, not for authors. One single author may not present more than two papers. The publication date of the accepted conference papers will be two weeks before the conference.
Instructions for preparing and submitting the lecture presentation as well as for preparing the poster will also be made available to the authors. A selection of outstanding conference papers will be published afterwards in the EPE Journal, which is an ISI registered journal.
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library.
All presented papers will be listed in the Web of Science (formerly Web of Knowledge), INSPEC database for Engineering. Selected papers published in the EPE Journal will be automatically included in the Web of Science – Core Collection and get a WOS-Accession number. The Organising Committee works toward ensuring that all conference papers are listed in the Core Collection as well. It is already the case since the 2014 edition.
Programme and Registration
The provisional programme and registration form will be available from the website early summer 2022.